The USEFALL project is aimed at making the most of the touristic potential of a cross-border area, by improving accessibility and removing any physical, sensory and learning obstacles likely to hinder the full enjoyment of its cultural heritage. USEFALL capitalizes the results of the EXPO AUS projects, funded by the Adriatic Cross-border IPA programme 2007-2013.
The partners in the project will develop joint guidelines for accessibility, which will integrate their respective Management Plans, as well as marketing actions targeted for people with special needs. Moreover, communication documents will be prepared to facilitate the understanding of the sites to all types of users.
In particular, Fondazione Aquileia will also care for the executive planning of the enhancement of the river port of Aquileia.
Municipality of Ravenna (leading partner), City of Split, Venetian Cluster Srl, City of Porec
January 2018 – June 2019
INTERREG Programme V-A ITALY-CROATIA 2014-2020